This site houses potentially NSFW material, unless you work in Interior Design, but the design experts at Lurid Digs have inspired me in the following ways:
- To sometimes allow for the model’s own personality to appear in a photo
- To remember that the surrounding of a model are just as important to the composition as the model himself;
- To never take my work too seriously because, especially in the gay world, there will always be critics to tear you apart.
“For us at the charm of amateur pics has never involved the vulnerability displayed by the model’s self-willed nudity. As soon as a JPEG has fully loaded in our browser, we immediately begin to scour the image’s background in search of clues and signs that are a thousand times more intriguing than bare butts or engorged genitalia. Interiors are like handwriting, and for those who know how to decipher the mishaps of furniture meeting form, many secrets are revealed. Join us inside, while our snooty panel plumbs the background life of the Net’s most audacious and careless interior designers.”
Below is a sampling of their design expertise at work.
“With epic under-employment and economic displacement wreaking collateral havoc with their pensions, even elderly Floridian women are turning to peddling smut in order to supplement their fixed incomes.” Read more.
“The life of a musician is hard — but then, you knew that. Harder still is the life of a real estate agent in 2010. Seriously, that shit blows.” Read more.
“Nothing quite says dart the fuck toward the nearest escape route like the winning combination of excessive backwoods religious symbolism and amateur home taxidermy.” Read more.
“It’s the sheer range of art here — vaguely contempo Mom & Pop oil painting, Neoclassical female nude, kitsch kitty cats, and Roman Boy sculpture — that clues you into the fact that you’re in for a well-rounded good time.” Read more.
Also find them on Twitter as @luriddigs and on Facebook.